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The Value of a Purposeful Career Over a Dream Job

Written by Mayank Kant

Edited by Ellen Wells

Graphic Design by Thomas Cross, Jhaline Luna,

A woman smiles holding a bouquet in a flower shop, while another person waves. Caption reads, "Lilly doesn't need this job to be lilies and roses everyday.

“Choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” I’m sure everyone has heard that saying at one point or another. What person doesn’t want a job that they love? Typically, when trying to figure out what we want to do in life, the decision comes down to two choices: the job that we dreamed about doing ever since we were little or the purposeful job.

A dream job is appealing to everyone. Even though it seems perfect in our head, it has a lot of flaws; It is unrealistic and unattainable. A dream job is just that, a dream.

A scenario is playing in your mind about something you hope to do someday. Why not do something now instead of wishing you would do it one day? Maybe bringing people joy through making personalized flower bouquets matters to you. Perhaps working in a flower shop would be more work than your “dream” job fantasy, but it would be much more purposeful.

Pursuing the “Perfect” Career

A tired woman sits at a desk with her forehead resting on her laptop. A post-it note is stuck to her hair, presumably from sleeping with her head placed on her cluttered desk.

A dream job is something you imagine doing your whole life. The best way to describe a dream is that it’s nothing more than a myth.

We think about the upsides of having our dream job but ignore many of the negatives. And this myth has a lot of downsides. People assume everything will work out just fine once you land your dream job, but having a dream job won’t fix our problems in everyday life.

The harsh reality is that this DREAM JOB doesn’t exist. Have you ever thought of your dream partner, your dream home, or even your dream car? The list goes on and on. If you were to get any of these things now, would any major issue in your life be fixed?

One moment you think this is what you want in life, that it will fill that void you’ve desperately tried to serve for so long, but the harsh truth is that this dream job you seek is a perfect vision for yourself. If you actively seek perfection, the only person you will limit is you.

Risking it All Because it's my Passion

A woman sits in a wooden chair while working on her laptop in a hip-looking coffee shop. Her jacket is draped across the chair, insinuating that she will be here for a while. But, she has a smile on her face and looks fulfilled by her work.

So, why do people let things stand in the way of doing what they’ve dreamed of their whole life? It could be a desire to feel happy or accomplished. They are doing this job because it is their passion, and nothing else will give them more joy in life.

Humans are ever-changing, and this idea of having a fixed passion in life is a myth, just like the idea of a dream job.

Just because you’re passionate about something doesn’t mean you’ll love everything about it. Maybe you want to write the Great American Novel because you’re passionate about writing. But, if you did that, you most likely wouldn’t get it written, published, and be on the New York Times Bestseller List any time soon.

Rather, you’d be getting up early to write even when you don’t feel like it. You’d be sending letters to hundreds of publishers until one decides to work with you. In short, the reality is far from perfect.

Take a Gamble on Having a Purpose-filled Career

Three women are gathered around a phone with an excited look on their faces. The woman on the right shows the other two what’s on her phone. The middle woman has an espresso in front of her.

My entire life, I never really knew what I wanted from a career. I had always dreamed of the perfect job. However, I never gave that so-called “dream” job any thought other than it was something that I wanted to do. I thought that if I had a dream, I should chase it until it became a reality. After all, a dream job is what everyone hopes to obtain. I never thought about whether it would fill me with purpose.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself “what exactly would I get out of my so-called dream job?” Is it merely doing something that a few individuals get to do? Or is it simply doing something for the sake of it because someone else told you it could not be done? Do you gain anything from accomplishing this dream, or are you left saying, “Woohoo, I did it… what?” You shouldn’t aim to complete something because you have dreamt of doing it your entire life. It should give you a purpose.

This purpose can range from achieving the salary you want, meeting your goals, deciding where you want to be, or finding another path that would suit you better. In reality, you have to do the research and find out what it is that you need from a job. Relinquish the notion that you have to do this job because it’s your dream. Instead, aim for a career that fills your life with purpose. The answer to whatever question you ask yourself will always be answered by you. A dream is something you think you want; a purpose is knowing exactly what you want and what you need.

What is a Purposeful Career?

A woman helps a man up a steep incline as they finish their hike. A beautiful view of the sunset with a lake and other mountains is in the background. They both smile; the accomplishment of making it to the summit fills them with joy.

“A meaningful, purpose-filled career isn’t perfect. It’s filled with challenges, heartache, and sometimes happiness. It can make you both frustrated and laugh at the same time. It can inspire others who didn’t know, oh my god, this is such an awesome feeling that could exist in a career.” This quote by Super Julie Braun perfectly sums up what it means to have a purpose-filled career.

Your perception of a purpose-filled career might mean something entirely different to someone else. The experiences you gain from this purpose-filled career will define it for you. No matter your ups and downs, it will make you feel something. This feeling is more invaluable than the so-called perfection of what a “dream” job offers.

Regardless of what a purpose-filled career means, your experiences will help you understand what you were missing from a dream job, so you can find a career filled with purpose.

Live for Yourself

A man carries his son on his shoulders as they walk down the street. The small boy smiles, clearly glad he gets to spend time with his dad.

Whether it is your loved ones, friends, or colleagues, Always do what you wish to do when it comes to your job. Not what your loved ones, friends, or colleagues want you to do.

Don’t do a job because your parents told you to do it.

Don’t do a job because your friend thought you’d be good at it or a colleague recommended it.

Other people are doing what they want in life, so why aren’t you? Your purpose for a job will vastly differ from someone else’s. Whatever your goals are, keep in mind one thing: THE PURPOSE SHOULD BE FOR YOU.

Have a Super Day!

Mayank Kant photo and Linkedin

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